Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun Family Fact #2: We Love the San Antonio Spurs

When Elliott and I first met, I must admit, I had little interest in sports. There was a time when we first met that I pretended to be interested in the Spurs so I could hang out with him and watch basketball. Well, after 10 years of watching NBA basketball, I have become almost as big of a fan as Elliott, who has followed the spurs for almost 30 years (old man!). Elliott and his dad spent many evenings of his youth attending Spurs games. You know San Antonio is a true blue basketball city when they die-heartedly support a team that pretty much stunk for about 20 years. My husband and father-in-law are two of those lifetime fans that stuck with the team through the "lean years".

We've seen them lose to devils in LA Lakers clothing, and seen them clench 3 NBA titles. Two of these titles were achieved the years that our boys were conceived. :)

Tim, Manu, Tony, and David are common names in our household. I'm sure that Noel & Lennon will grow to be big fans of the Spurs and probably attend some games with their dad & grandad.

1 comment:

icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said...

I love this. Jay and I don't have any sports team taht we like and follow, but oddly, Lila has really taken to the Red Sox. It's likely because my dad likes them so much.