Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Hangover

I love Christmas. Who doesn't??

As an adult without kids, I liked Christmas, but now? It's just so much better. Hearing the squeals as they open gifts. Hearing "WOW!" over something Santa knew they wanted, or "Thanks for getting that for me," or hearing little Lennon say, "Where's Santa? I wanted to give him a hug and say 'Thanks'," is something i can't put into words. These kids...

They are something else...I tell ya.

We had such a great day. I want to make every day more like Christmas. Of course, without all the hoop-la and gifts, but with the good feelings and glad tidings. Who couldn't use more joy in the every day?


Darcy said...

I LOVE their shirts oh my gosh!

icancarryallthebagsandthebabiestoo said...

Yes. More joy every day. Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are so cute!


laura said...

darcy, those shirts came from my favorite t-shirt store, love them!

thanks, anna! let's work on the joy! heart you!